StudySnack - Coping with exam stress and anxiety (english): 16.11.2023

The StudySnacks workshop series is a free offer from ZIDiS in Kaiserslautern. The StudySnacks are three-hour workshops (from 1 to 4 p.m.) in which you can build up important skills and strategies interactively in small groups to make studying easier.

The workshop “Coping with exam stress and anxiety” is aimed at students of all semesters and deals with the topics of exam stress and anxiety.

The most important aspects are:

  • Self-reflection: Reflect on your own behavior when faced with stress and anxiety: “How do I notice exam stress and/or exam anxiety physically and mentally? How can I redirect my previous behavior in a positive way?”
  • Background knowledge: The aim is to better understand the causes of stress and anxiety in order to find effective starting points for improving your own situation. 
  • Practical exercises: Get to know a number of methods and techniques that will help you deal with exam stress and anxiety more confidently in the future and change hindering patterns of behavior.

The other StudySnacks will be offered on the following dates:

  • Leichter an der Uni durchstarten 25.10.2023
  • Motiviert und organisiert studieren: 08.11.2023 & 24.01.2024
  • Souveräner Umgang mit Prüfungsstress und Prüfungsangst (deutsch): 17.01.2024
  • Erfolgreich lernen: 13.12.2023
  • Studieren und lernen mit digitaler Kompetenz: 07.02.2024


The key to your university success - be part of it!

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The StudySnacks build on the content of Seminar I of Diemersteiner Selbstlerntage, so you will receive a certificate of attendance equivalent to DSL Seminar I after attending several StudySnacks. However, you are also welcome to attend the StudySnacks without a certificate of attendance.

Further information on the StudySnacks, the Diemersteiner Selbstlerntage and other ZIDiS workshops:

We look forward to seeing you!

Your ZIDiS team